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Resource ID

Resource ID Description

A Resource ID is a unique identifier assigned to each entity within the API, such as an Artist, Album, or Track. It is used to uniquely reference a specific resource when making API requests.

1. Reccobeats ID

  • A hash-based UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) assigned internally by the Reccobeats system.
  • It follows the UUID v4 format, which consists of 32 hexadecimal characters separated by hyphens.
  • Used for internal referencing and database management within Reccobeats.
  • Example: 2670c328-c40f-45f4-80df-f48b29296deb

2. Spotify ID

  • A Base-62 encoded string used by Spotify to uniquely identify a resource.
  • Found at the end of the Spotify URL (Example:
  • Used for searching multiple resource.
  • Example: 06HL4z0CvFAxyc27GXpf02

Usage in API Requests

When interacting with API endpoints, both Reccobeats ID and Spotify ID may be used depending on the context.

  • Fetching a track detail by ID we must use ReccoBeats ID:

    GET /track/878dadea-33c5-4c08-bdb9-e2b117475a99
  • Retrieving multiple tracks by IDs supports both ReccoBeats IDs and Spotify IDs:

    GET /track?ids=00vJzaoxM3Eja1doBUhX0P&ids=2670c328-c40f-45f4-80df-f48b29296deb  
  • Get track recommendation supports both ReccoBeats IDs and Spotify IDs:

    GET /track/recommendation?seeds=00vJzaoxM3Eja1doBUhX0P&seeds=2670c328-c40f-45f4-80df-f48b29296deb&size=10